Beast Rings, a brand created by experts for the modern man.
In Beast Rings you will find high quality penis rings, with the best materials on the market, perfect to endure more in your relationships and get the erection you have always dreamed of.
Are you a person who likes to change depending on the day? With this set of 3 penis rings you will achieve it. It has 3 rings of the same size but of a different color. The three of the best materials for you to get those erections that you have always wanted in a soft, safe, comfortable and of course, pleasant way.
Remember to use your favorite water-based lubricant for an extra wet night and take care of your Beast Ring with a good toy cleaner, dry it well and leave it in a safe place. Remember not to wear your rings for an extreme period of time, if you feel uncomfortable remove the ring.
Measurements (three equal rings):