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For a proper functioning of your pelvic floor it is necessary to exercise it, and for this the Kegel Adalet ball kit is here.
This kit of 6 Kegel balls are made of the highest quality medical silicone, perfect for exercising your vaginal muscles in a safe way.
These balls have an elongated shape that facilitates their insertion and a silicone cord for comfortable removal. And as we know that each person is a world, this kit has 6 Kegel balls, each with a different weight and color, so you can increase the weight according to your needs.
The pelvic floor is the muscles that support the weight of our pelvic organs. The pelvic floor is usually weakened by events of daily life, such as pregnancy or menopause.
By exercising this muscle we make them stronger, avoiding problems such as loss of urine and increasing the quality and potency of orgasms. First we must clean the balls with a toy cleaner to optimize their useful life.
If you are a beginner, we recommend using the lighter colored ball, 35 gr. Lie on the bed or on a mat, where you are most comfortable, and introduce the ball about 2 cm from the vagina, but remember that you should not introduce it very deep. If you need it you can use a water-based lubricant for better insertion. It is very important that you are relaxed, control your breathing and relax the vagina.
When you have controlled the lighter ball, you can change weight and color, since the vivid colors of Adalets balls will guide you on your journey in the world of pelvic exercise. Remember that to change the weight of the ball you leave behind should not weigh you anything.
To perform these exercises correctly you will have to have a consistency in the time of use, I mean, if you do contractions of 3 seconds, you have to rest 3 seconds. If you need to rest more between contractions do not worry, take the time you need.
It is advisable to do a series of 10 repetitions, but as we have said, you at your own pace, if you can only do 5 try until you can reach 10.
To keep the Kegel balls in a suitable place, Adalet comes with a box with a lid so you can keep them safe and use them as long as possible.